Under Our Skin

IDSA Lyme Guidelines ~ Background Resources (with Notes for Comment Period)

Foreward ~ I’m so behind on my own comments, and the deadline for the IDSA Public Comment period is so fast approaching, that multiple posts with relevant or even related content or links are going to published in a rough state, including things like un-formatted and un-annotated lists of links, just to get the information out […]

Lymedisease.org Needs Survey Answers ~ Potential FDA Lyme Testing Regulation Changes

Lymedisease.org Needs Survey Answers ~ Potential FDA Lyme Testing Regulation Changes

This did not take long to complete and is an opportunity to have your information, concerns, and situation represented. The more people that answer, the larger the sample size and the more meaningful and representative this information will be. As an example, their past survey regarding Lyme patient quality of life had over 5,000 respondents, […]

Use of Best Available Current Science Would Lead to Appropriate Diagnosis and Care

There will be numerous posts on this topic, as it is the primary obstacle to proper care for Lyme patients.  Inadequate guidelines authored by IDSA and published/supported by CDC are causing misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis, delayed care, inadequate care, and permanent disability or death for thousands and thousands of the millions of people who have contracted […]