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Lyme Disease Challenge Links

1509731_10205297334227233_8084417122509125883_nThis blog is a supporter of the Lyme Disease Challenge, as is NorthernRockiesLyme.org, and happy to be included on their  supporters page (on the page we are represented by the image at the top right of the square pictured at right). I may re-post some fun links from 2015, but for now this is just a smattering of primary PicMonkey Collage logo squarelinks to get you

The Basics (2016)

Last year, I had lofty goals of tracking and listing challenges and videos, and posts from celebrities or organizations that accepted. But the challenge took off and moved fast, and it was a challenge to keep up on social media or anywhere.

11138606_789175694503087_175938407287661841_nThere were far too many challenges going on to share them all on the InvisiblyLymeMontana or NorthernRockiesLyme facebook pages. Through a few goofy graphics and captions ideas from other participants, I ended up starting two additional small pages for posting social media challenges and general Lyme related posts and news. Those pages are Lyme Peeps and Chicks With Lyme. I tweet and retweet when I can (@InvisiblyLymeMT). When there are challenges happening that I’m aware of that could use more sharing and support, I’ll pass on links as much as possible, but the best way to stay abreast is by searching the hashtags and visiting the LymeDiseaseChallenge accounts on each platform (Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook).


Be sure to visit the LDC website and check out their resources and articles about Lyme (in addition to resources to help you with your challenges).  While you’re there, read about the campaign’s organizers and how it all got going.

This page may be adapted over time and/or there may be new pages or highlighted links added, but to stay current, keep up with the LDC pages on social media.

But, even the basics in one place is useful for me to have, so here are some major categories to start with.

Posts/Pages/Other Blogs (from 2015)

Our Challenges/Videos So Far (from 2015)

My Kids

Additional Favorites from 2015


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